Portriat of a House Elf. I saw this nail-thingie protruding from where my shutters used to hang (before the lovely painter dude came and painted the house then was remiss in putting the shutters back on...d'oh!). Maybe it is just me, but I immediately saw a face, a cute elfish one. I guess I have a house elf. How cool is that?

I am still in awe of your hibiscus bud. That is SUCH a beautiful photograph. Have you ever thought about having an exhibit? Maybe I'm being a total loser here in asking-- but I've never seen you mention it. You absolutely should-- I be they are even more powerful in real life. I am sending Melanie (weeme.diaryland.com) over here to see your doll's head. She LOVES the spooky stuff. Anyway, wanted to drop you a line and let you know . . I am back in blogville . . hope to see you around. ~bluepoppy
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