Love Child: Or: Runway to Hell...

Just for giggles, imagine the demon-spawn love-child of Hell's Kitchen and Project Runway for just a minute...Of course it would be an adopted child, reared by the diametrically opposed Gordon Ramsay and Tim Gunn.
Imagine the model strutting down the cat walk while Gordon yells at her:
"Move faster, you big f'ing COW!!!!!!!!"
Flames riding high into the night, with a pit of Mordor at the end, Tim would be wringing his very soft hands at the end of the runway whispering:
"Yesssssssssssss. My Precioussssssssssssssss!"
"Move it, move it MOVE IT! I want crispy! I want sizzle!", screams Gordon.
"Dear? Do you have a moment to do a bit of a swift and graceful turn-about? Just at the end? Yes, Dar. Right there?! Oh Gooood. Spot On!", crinkles Tim.
Yeah, two glasses of Vouvray in the AC with a TV makes me think like that.
(axially, no. I think like that all on my own)
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