Me and some Fatseaux from the Loire...

I spent the weekend in the company of some wines from the Loire Valley. I am bored with Californian wines, and their clobbering oak and clumsy alcohol content. Same with Australia. Why, the other night I had 2, count 'em 2, glasses of Sauvignon Blanc from Australia and after that I had to put one foot on the floor and one hand on the wall just to assure myself that I was still in this dimension. What fun is that? Especially with no one else around to hold me down and remind me of my corporeal boundaries. Sheesh.
So, I had a date with a bottle of Vouvray on Saturday, lush and peachy and figgy it was. It loved me gently, albeit with alacrity. I watched Mario do obscene and gorgeous things with fennel. As much as I adore that man's food, he is way to squishy for my taste, even with half a bottle of Vouvray in me.
Sunday, I read "Wicked" more, and found myself getting annoyed with the parallels to the Potter series.
Then, an impromptu drive to Vermont to visit a new friend, whereupon I engaged in more lust with a bottle of Muscadet while she painted her house and I lounged with friends as we all watched her fine form balance on the ladder. The Muscadet provided a luscious tone to the already perfect afternoon out in the backyard of a fabulous home off the back roads. The temperature was a cool 72, the sun was shining across the upper field and good friends, good wine and tasty snacks were casually gamboling about.
Dinner at the Norwich Inn was quite good. Coming home late and falling into bed I really wanted to stretch out time, to go back and do it again, to live that open, free, green and simple day from beginning to end. I met some wonderful people who have many stories of travel to far off places. I laughed and walked in untended fields feeling the beginning of Autumn creep around the edges.
And now, back to the regularly scheduled program...laundry, work, kids, dentist appointment, dog walks, cleaning...
Le Sigh.
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