Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Don't Choke on Supposes...
Don't choke on supposes
nor snare on the thorn
of roses still clinging
to that vine of enchantment
Trying the mind
and tearing the soul comes of
if's and of what's
and rolling the maybe's
between your warm palms of desire
Regret burns a surface
so deep within flesh
that no light can find it
so step well beyond it
and over it over it over
it slip
Don't choke on supposes
nor tear out the blooms
of hope still arising
just give it some room
to drop seeds for next spring
Monday, September 25, 2006

Though outwardly a gloomy shroud,
The inner half of every cloud
Is bright and shining:
I therefore turn my clouds about
And always wear them inside out
To show the lining.
- Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler (Mrs. A.L. Felkin)
I dont care what sort of music you hate or love. I don't care if you listen to The Fray. Frankly, it does not matter where your musical predilictions lie. Click on this and watch the video and really listen.
What matters to me is that my 11 yr old daugher loves this song, and understands it, and wants to know how to help the world.
So, what can YOU do to help save a life? Really. Think about it.
I dont care what sort of music you hate or love. I don't care if you listen to The Fray. Frankly, it does not matter where your musical predilictions lie. Click on this and watch the video and really listen.
What matters to me is that my 11 yr old daugher loves this song, and understands it, and wants to know how to help the world.
So, what can YOU do to help save a life? Really. Think about it.
From my friend, Eiblyn...
"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. "
~Rainer Maria Rilke
Friday, September 22, 2006
Letter to a Friend...
Dear X,
Let's See....
Julia's adventures in the past few days...
Well, the golden tooooobed flautist and I had lattes and got in the car and
drove to Crane's Beach (see attached) and walked and talked. We watched these little blonde children run naked in the surf and sun. They were maybe 1 1/2 yrs old. It was so gorgeous out that day.

We drove home and huggedgoodbye. I came home and went to sleep earl-eye-in-da-evening. Then I catered the Grotonfest art festival on Saturday all day. Many falafels passed my way...If 'ere I see another, T'will be but a shame. Ugh.
Sunday was a clearing my space day. Lots of getting rid of dross and chaos,flotsam and jetsam. It felt good. Then the week started and life got full of work.
Last night I stayed with my friend, Sam. I get up at 5 AM when I visit, and take my tripod down the street to take pictures.

It is sort of a turning to Mecca thing for me, the break of a new day. All that resting hope,eternally balanced on that razor edge of Now of which you spoke before. I wait and watch the sun as it incrementally rises over the black silhouettes.
Tonight, I am feeling a bit sad, as it would have been my 9th anniversary with my ex Beloved of 8 yrs. Just sort of poignant, and feeling in need of touch. I am off to my friend, Jenny's for dinner and to give her the injections for her MS and then I will be home...maybe continue reading Ender's Game.
I loved talking with you today.
Let's See....
Julia's adventures in the past few days...
Well, the golden tooooobed flautist and I had lattes and got in the car and
drove to Crane's Beach (see attached) and walked and talked. We watched these little blonde children run naked in the surf and sun. They were maybe 1 1/2 yrs old. It was so gorgeous out that day.

We drove home and huggedgoodbye. I came home and went to sleep earl-eye-in-da-evening. Then I catered the Grotonfest art festival on Saturday all day. Many falafels passed my way...If 'ere I see another, T'will be but a shame. Ugh.
Sunday was a clearing my space day. Lots of getting rid of dross and chaos,flotsam and jetsam. It felt good. Then the week started and life got full of work.
Last night I stayed with my friend, Sam. I get up at 5 AM when I visit, and take my tripod down the street to take pictures.

It is sort of a turning to Mecca thing for me, the break of a new day. All that resting hope,eternally balanced on that razor edge of Now of which you spoke before. I wait and watch the sun as it incrementally rises over the black silhouettes.
Tonight, I am feeling a bit sad, as it would have been my 9th anniversary with my ex Beloved of 8 yrs. Just sort of poignant, and feeling in need of touch. I am off to my friend, Jenny's for dinner and to give her the injections for her MS and then I will be home...maybe continue reading Ender's Game.
I loved talking with you today.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Too Late's Come and Gone...
There is no turning back, now. Summer has left in a huff, and the season at hand is well heeled. The leaves are already doing their arabesques, and grapes are either bursting or withering on the vine.
It is too late to claim the summer back. Onward to the darker days and longer nights, as the Equinox approaches.
I am shedding the old and settling in for harvest and nesting for winter ahead. I am letting go of that thief, expectation, and putting in her stead a healthy dose of gratitude with a Hope chaser. Best I can do. Hope.
I am not waiting anymore. I am a wakeful dreamer now. I still dream, but I know what is and is not. I will follow the scent if it crosses my path, and I will welcome the fall with open arms.

I was helping my teen translate her assignment of a particularly difficult chapter of Oedipus yesterday. I was explaining, in terms she could understand ( you know, like, MTV terms), a conversation between Oedipus and Jocasta. When Oedipus confesses to having met and killed the people in the carriage long time gone, and realizes that the soothsayer may just be right about him killing his father and sleeping with his mother...she blurts out:
"Mom, (pause)...THIS would make an excellent episode on Jerry Springer!!!"
So right, my child, so very right.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006

Setting the seeds
the bulbs of the future
down into the soil
the potential
the moist and soft "yes",
I begin to find self
and same
and same again.
I remember why I love
being who I am
and why I search still
for love,
despite the odds,
hope prevails.
I stand still and wait now,
balanced and whole
in where I am at this exact moment
of life
of love
of time,
swimming in the when and why.
I do not have the grasp
of clue
to know for sure
and that is fine.
I am loved
and alive
and the rest will follow.